Just Another DIY “Smart” Watch

Note : This article was written after project was partially completed, so i don’t have better images.

There are hundred’s of projects for building “Smart watch using arduino”, I have curated a list of better projects at end of this article. I didn’t plan to copy any of given projects but at end it turned out that world is a big place. So this blog post is my effort in developing “My smartwatch”.

Hardware :

  1. Arduino Pro mini
  2. Bluetooth module (HC-05)
  3. OLED Module (SSD1306)
  4. LiPo Battery (110 mAh)
  5. Thin copper wire, single strand if possible.
  6. FTDI Breakout board or any way to program Arduino pro mini.
  7. Micro USB female pins
  8. Membrane Tape

Tools :

  • Soldering iron – along with soldering wire, flux, etc.
  • 3d Printer/Good Crafting Skills to make a case
  • Working brain ! (Recommended)

Software :

  • Android Phone (BTTerm) /Linux System(minicom, rfcomm), Windows Phone, Windows *, Mac OS Users are on their own but you can search for “Bluetooth serial terminal”
  • Arduino IDE
  • Common Sense ! (Recommended)

The guide here is definitely not a step by step guide, it just tells the flow (an algorithm not code).

  1. Desolder pins in your OLED display. Yea, all header pins.. for noobs like me it’s a tough task.| MAD Blog
  2. Desolder pins of HC-05/HC06 if it has, if you got module without header, skip
  3. Connect all GND, VCC pins of arduino, hc-05, oled Easy ?
  4. Solder oled pins SCL -> A5, SDA -> A4  to arduino.
  5. Solder hc-05 pins  TX -> 10, RX -> 11  to pro mini.
  6. Then Solder VCC with a switch (Any you prefer) & to battery.
  7. Upload the code
  8. Connect to HC-05 using phone & send any data.

| MAD Blog
HC-05 Soldered
| MAD Blog
Oled, HC-05, ProMini Stacked.
| MAD Blog
Everything stacked Packed
| MAD Blog
Back View
| MAD Blog
Front View
| MAD Blog
| MAD Blog
| MAD Blog

Click here to watch working video.

Below is arduino code :

#include "U8glib.h"

U8GLIB_SSD1306_128X64 u8g(U8G_I2C_OPT_NO_ACK);	// Display which does not send AC

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// software serial #1: RX = digital pin 10, TX = digital pin 11
SoftwareSerial bluetooth(10, 11);
#define buflen 10
 char str[buflen+1];
 int strCount=0;

// setup input buffer
#define LINE_MAX 30 
uint8_t line_buf[LINE_MAX] = "Booting...";
uint8_t line_pos = 0;

// setup a text screen to support scrolling
#define ROW_MAX 12

uint8_t screen[ROW_MAX][LINE_MAX];
uint8_t rows, cols;

// line height, which matches the selected font (5x7)

// clear entire screen, called during setup
void clear_screen(void) {
  uint8_t i, j;
  for( i = 0; i < ROW_MAX; i++ )
    for( j = 0; j < LINE_MAX; j++ )
      screen[i][j] = 0;  

// append a line to the screen, scroll up
void add_line_to_screen(void) {
  uint8_t i, j;
  for( j = 0; j < LINE_MAX; j++ )
    for( i = 0; i < rows-1; i++ )
      screen[i][j] = screen[i+1][j];
  for( j = 0; j < LINE_MAX; j++ )
    screen[rows-1][j] = line_buf[j];

// U8GLIB draw procedure: output the screen
void draw(void) {
  uint8_t i, y;
  // graphic commands to redraw the complete screen are placed here    
  y = 0;       // reference is the top left -1 position of the string
  y--;           // correct the -1 position of the drawStr 
  for( i = 0; i < rows; i++ )
    u8g.drawStr( 0, y, (char *)(screen[i]));
    y += u8g.getFontLineSpacing();

void exec_line(void) {
  // echo line to the serial monitor
  Serial.println((const char *)line_buf);
  // add the line to the screen
  // U8GLIB picture loop
  do {
  } while( u8g.nextPage() );

// clear current input buffer
void reset_line(void) { 
      line_pos = 0;
      line_buf[line_pos] = '\0';  

// add a single character to the input buffer 
void char_to_line(uint8_t c) {
      line_buf[line_pos] = c;
      line_buf[line_pos] = '\0';  

void setup(void) {
//  bluetooth.println("Hi");
//     u8g.firstPage();  
//     u8g.drawStr( 0, 0, "Booting..");
// set font for the console window
  // set upper left position for the string draw procedure
  // calculate the number of rows for the display
  rows = u8g.getHeight() / u8g.getFontLineSpacing();
  if ( rows > ROW_MAX )
    rows = ROW_MAX; 
  // estimate the number of columns for the display
  cols = u8g.getWidth() / u8g.getStrWidth("m");
  if ( cols > LINE_MAX-1 )
    cols = LINE_MAX-1; 
  clear_screen();               // clear screen
  delay(1000);                  // do some delay
  exec_line();                    // place the input buffer into the screen
  reset_line();                   // clear input buffer

void loop(void) {
   // Keep reading from HC-05 and send to Arduino Serial Monitor
  if (bluetooth.available()){
    char c = bluetooth.read();
//    uint8_t c;
    if ( line_pos >= cols-1 ) {
    else if ( c == '\n' ) {
      // ignore '\n' 
    else if ( c == '\r' ) {
    else {
  if (Serial.available())


As told initially my build is not the best one, there are people with better electronics & better output check these :








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